5 Days of Iowa County Birds
Almost A to Z
F is for Finch
Golfinches, the Iowa state bird |
Baby goldfinch snacking |
Female Finch |
G is for Geese, Grosbeaks, Grackles, and Golden Crowned Kinglets and Gnatcatchers
Nesting Goose |
Incoming (Rose-breasted) Grosbeak |
Grackle |
Golden Crowned Kinglet |
H is for Hawks, Herons, and Hummingbirds
Redtailed Hawk |
Coopers Hawk |
Black Crowned Night Heron |
Blue Heron |
Green Heron |
Gnatcatcher |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Baby Hummer with his beak stuck in the screen |
I is for Indigo Buntings
Tomorrow: More Avian Alphabet